The Change Eye is a powerful and simple monitoring system for change projects. It shows the responsible management how well the change is on track and helps to navigate the organisation safely through the change.
The Change Eye can be used as soon as a planned change has been initiated and communicated. The Change Eye can also be used during the course of a change process. We recommend repeated implementation, as this allows you to observe developments closely and take targeted action.
The price depends on the number of people to be surveyed and the complexity of the organisation (number of organisational units and hierarchical levels) as well as the service package selected. We offer three service packages (Essential - Advanced - Premium), which are customised to the client's wishes. On this basis, we create a customised offer tailored to the customer.
The response rate for Change Eye surveys is generally significantly higher than for employee surveys. The stronger the employees are affected by the change, the higher the response rate.
All results of the survey are presented exclusively in anonymised form. This means that nobody can see from the results who has answered and from which person the answers have come. At the company conducting the survey, GmbH, the address and question sections are separated. Data and address are given a code number and stored separately. Anyone who sees the data afterwards therefore does not know who provided the information. The address is stored separately for subsequent surveys as part of the same project.
For the presentation of the results, a so-called anonymisation limit is defined together with the customer and communicated to all people surveyed. If there are fewer responses to a question than defined by the anonymisation limit, the results are not displayed and are only included at the next higher aggregation level.
An employee survey is used to survey employee satisfaction on a variety of topics. It is very far-reaching and is usually conducted every two or three years. The results are analysed in a complex process at various hierarchical levels in order to derive measures.The Change Eye survey is very simple and lean. The data is analysed with the help of algorithms. The result shows which strengths and areas in need of action exist in the change process. This means that the management in charge knows what they can build on and where they need to take action. Time-consuming workshops are no longer necessary and action can be taken quickly and in a targeted manner.
Pulse checks consist of very few questions that are asked to the employees at short intervals. This results in two problems: The questions are too general to be able to derive specific measures from them. As no improvements can be made in this way, employees are less motivated to complete the surveys.
The Change Eye asks specific questions that are relevant to the success of the change. Thanks to the results, the responsible management can take targeted measures that lead to visible improvements. This motivates employees for the change and leads to them also taking part in subsequent surveys.
As the results of the Change Eye survey show the need for action very specifically, the responsible management can often derive initial measures themselves. They can also seek support from internal specialists or external consultants. Our Change Eye consultants are available on request.
The Change Eye provides security for management, saves resources and increases employee motivation. Thanks to the Change Eye, the management in charge knows how well the change is going, which provides security. The Change Eye shows where there is a need for action, allowing targeted intervention and saving resources. Employees can get involved with the help of the Change Eye, which increases their commitment.
The Change Eye is based on the "Six Success Factors of Change" model. This was developed on the basis of scientific research. Each of the six success factors is assessed using five questions. This results in 30 questions that cannot be changed. However, the customer can add up to three questions customised to their change. It is also possible to add one or two fields for free text.
We recommend carrying out the Change Eye repeatedly. This allows you to monitor developments closely and intervene in a targeted manner. The interval between surveys depends on the speed of the change. The faster a change is progressing, the more frequently the Change Eye survey should be carried out. Experience has shown that an interval of 3 to 6 months is suitable. Ideally, the survey dates should be coordinated with milestones in the project.
Experience has shown that the Change Eye survey makes sense for a group of around one hundred people or more. It can also be used for several thousand people.
From experience, answering the 30 questions on a 6-point scale takes around 5 to 7 minutes. The survey can be completed on all devices (desktop, laptop, mobile phone).
As employee surveys and Change Eye surveys have completely different objectives, this is not a problem. Experience has shown that it is an advantage if there is a one-month time gap between the two surveys.
In a first step, the results of the Change Eye survey are discussed with the responsible management. In a second step, they are presented to the employees together with the conclusions and the planned measures.
The Change Eye is suitable for a wide range of change projects: Restructuring, mergers, digitalisation, strategy implementation, new work, agile working methods, service centres, etc.
The Change Eye survey is currently available in German and English. Further languages can be made available on request.